Is It Harder To Find Love Today?

 Is It Hard To Find Love Today?

I mean finding love today is just as easy as loosing love and its funny because we find love but is it really true love?

What even is the definition of true love? 

But how did we get here? How exactly did we reach to this point where it's not just hard to find true love or just love that is honest but its also next to the word impossible?

 Back in the days we could easily find love and our grand parents are proof of this. Some have been married for 50 years and yet if you ask them ,they will say that they lived a happy and fulfilled marriage. No complains. Yet to us it seems love would have been impossible to find back in the days with the little technology and information they had.

Why is it hard to find true love in this modern age?

1. Today, the chances of finding true love is hard because we have so many options to choose from. I mean the more options the better, right? You can just jump from one partner to another anytime you want. But giving man kind option is the thing that led to sin in the first place!

It looks like the more forbidden a fruit is,the more sweet it seems to be.

This has brought about unnecessary dating which has denied us the opportunity of meeting someone and getting to know them without thinking of the girl next door.

Today we just dating because it's peer pressure or because he has a cute face or she has a nice butt. It's not about the personality no more.

2. We looking for too much in one person. We want it all FROM one person and we want it all WITH this one person. We want them to be our best friends , our partners in crime, our lover and expect them to be everything we ever wanted and more.

 We forget that no one is perfect. Not one person can give us all these things and that's why we have friends, we have a community around us, we have best friends so that this one person does not get to be all these things for us.

It can be overwhelming most of the times and you end up getting hurt.

3. Self awareness.

Most of us really don't know what we want. Again if you have chocolate and vanilla ,you will still want to taste both of them so that you can decide which one you really want.

 But if we figure out exactly what we want and learn to settle for it each time, then the better.

Be aware of what exactly you want in a partner. 

4. This perfect image we show in social media has given out this notion of perfection, not showing who we really are. And this has made it even harder for us to learn to trust , because someone shows you this perfect image but once you get to know them,they are the complete opposite of what their social media platforms showed you.

Don't rely on social media. They can destroy relationships and your expectations .

5. Most of us are after the wrong things. Instead of looking for love,we looking for adventure and sex and satisfaction and the type of romance only found in movies 

"If you cant satisfy me in bed then i cant be with you."says the psychotherapist and author Esther Perel. 

She also adds "if I want to have sex then you better be in the mood for it as well and if you can't then I'll look for it elsewhere"

Sex has become a way to help us determine if we are with the right partner, because if am going to be with you for the rest of my life then I want to be getting the best,I want to be satisfied and if you cant, then I'll look for it elsewhere and that's when cheating and unfaithfulness comes about. 

6. Fear of commitment. 

I mean the thought of being official is just too much for some of us, ain't it?

 Why would i want to tie myself down to you when tomorrow i might meet a more handsome rich young fella than you or a more beautiful lady,?

 Putting so much thought into it and in the end it just ends up messing with you and what you have at the moment.

Is it hard to find true love today

Yes it is and it's not going to get any easier as we progress into a world where polyamorous is a concept that people are embracing today, while divorce is a concept everyone is getting too comfortable with. 

And this makes me wonder, what exactly is the future of love for all of us?


  1. Finding pure love at this time is searching for a needle in a hay sack. Just like someone can type lol without laughing, so can they type ily(i love you) without actually loving you. This article is accurate ash

  2. its very true, today love is modified. Racial, wealth, faith n muchmore on sex satisfaction. Broken relationships are at its highest , partners date while masked, they hide their darker side frequently and when they discover much later , theybreak intantly. Here we go, if you want to get married there many options and quality to consider. If you looking for a life partner , you both take all your weaknesses in union, if you marry for sex look for a sex bull though this dont last long, and those who go for wealth be prepared to many husbands concubines. Wealthy husbands , tend to have a girl friend in almost every city he visit. But looking for love, know yourselves deeper.


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