Three Important Rules For All Relationships

Three Important Rules For All Relationships

We think that relationships do not need work and it should just be easy and flowing throughout but relationships might be the ONE thing that needs so much effort and time today.
Relationships are hard, they need more work than friendships or any other type of relations that we might have.

When a relationship is new, everything is so fun and exciting but as time continues ,we get so comfortable in the relationship and forget that it is easy to fall in love and even harder to stay in love and so when things start getting boring, we jump ship and start looking for the next new  thing.We all have so many expectations and yet we doing so little. 

As much as people find this to be a cliché, putting routines,having rituals and creating boundaries helps to give a sense of adventure, excitement,novelty and security.

a) Routine 

It is important to have a positive routine that you do together. Routine is all about making time out of your normal schedule to spend together.

The reason some celebrities survive their relationships yet they never stay in the same place as their partner is because they have put a routine in place to ensure they make it work, no matter what. 

And today, we need that more than anything because we get distracted very easily. Once a routine is set in place, it starts to become a habit, part of you and your partner. It is important to know that from this time to this time am going to spend it with my partner.

You can decide to bond in different ways, it might be going for a run or watching movies together or date nights once a week. Anything to keep the relationship adventurous. Do something spontaneous. Switch up the routine once in a while so that it doesn't become just a boring routine.

b) Ritual 

Have something to give your relationship meaning.Even in our daily lives, we have rituals that give meanings to these special occasions like birth or death or even circumcision .

Rituals are more about what you do to give these special events meaning.We all have these small silly moments which make our relationships more meaningful that we remember even after little arguments here and there.

 It might be that early morning kiss on the forehead ,or how you receive your partner when he comes home from work or brushing your teeth together . Have positive rituals that push you to the right direction rather than making you distance from your partner.

It is important to identify the negative rituals like staying glued to your phones when in bed or staying glued to a TV when your partner comes back from work and finding better ways to create better connection with your partner.

Couples that spend more time together, stay together. We can get so distracted with friends and work ,TV and phones that we forget to do the small little things together.

For example, Have a ritual of always checking in before you sleep, have a ritual of spending your anniversary together, maybe even going to the place you met to celebrate, have a special place where you can get together , give special moments special meanings.

c) Boundaries 

Boundaries gives us a sense of where our freedom starts and where the limits are with that freedom. We cant be allowed to do everything we want, without really setting a line that you can never cross or consequences if you cross these boundaries. With boundaries, mutual respect is created and love blossoms. Without them, they create chaos and arguments.

I know this one is hard especially today, because when there's too much to hide then we want too much transparency but it is important to set these boundaries now more than ever.

First, it is important to communicate boundaries to  your partner. if you are not a fun of P.D.A then say it, if you feel physically or emotionally violated then tell tour partner or you want your own space or privacy There are many types of boundaries to put in place for a healthier relationship. Just because we dating, doesn't mean ,you cant be an individual unless trust has been broken and you need complete transparency.

I mean it's he 21st century we should be better than this . We should be able to understand that there's time for everything, the time for the two of you and time for each one of you as an individual. Give each other space. 

Encouraging your partner to spend time with his family or friends is actually a good thing. You can even bring your friends together once in a while and hang together.

Understand that your partner has a life outside of your relationship. He had a life before he met you and he still does, just because you met doesn't mean they stop living their lives.

All of these activities involve touch and eye contact, two fundamental things that help build a deeper emotional connection. Especially now during this pandemic, it has given couples an opportunity to come together and really see each other and be with each other.

Share with us in the comment section below, if you have a few routines, rituals that work for you in your relationships.


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