Why You Keep Dating The Same Kind Of Men

 Do You Keep Dating The Same Kind of Men?

It can be frustrating to keep dating the same kind of guy, not the nice ones you know, the ones who always ends up affirming the saying that has been around for decades, that men are beasts, men are trash and that women always seem to gravitate towards the same type of guy. I mean opposite attracts.

Studies show that women always seem to gravitate towards the same kind of guy: the alphas, the ones who command a room, the beautiful smile and you end up getting cheated on or left. 

James Allen said" Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are." 

So what is it? If you keep looking back on the list of your exes, what's the one thing that they have in common? Or maybe its you? The one common denominator in this narrative .Is it you who always attracts the wrong kind of attention? Or what energy are you giving off that these guys see you as vulnerable? 

What Is The Reason Why You Keep Dating The Same Kind Of Men?

The most innocent thing we do is believing that everyone is innocent . We go with the saying 'everyone is innocent until proven guilty.'

Do you really believe that? That the first stranger you meet and have only known for two months is innocent? 

Trusting the fact that everyone is innocent means you giving your trust away just like that. And this is clearly why you get hurt. Once you end up trusting your heart and emotions to a person you barely know, then you giving them room to lie to you, to play games with you. You will ignore all the red flags because you want to trust in them. Because "they haven't done anything wrong!". 
Even murderers still go to church . You never know what's going on inside someone's mind. So what makes you think they are innocent? Just because they haven't done something , doesn't mean they wont do it. Its less risky if you let someone earn your trust first.

Stop Getting Played!

Its time to change your mentality. Change the way you think. You're guilty until proven innocent , is the new way of thinking. The chances of you getting hurt are slim once you put your raider on alert . Am not saying you start being all freaky and follow them around or check their stuff.  All am saying is stay alert and when you see the red flag that's your "Go sign" right there. Do not ignore it. "But maybe he has an explanation why he has a picture of your best friend on his phone ? Or maybe he is this ,he is that?

Stop looking for a reason to justify what you see or heard or feel. If your gut is telling you go right then go right. I know we all want to be the good guy and look for a reasonable explanation even when their isn't one but the world is changing in a pace we can't even comprehend. What will happen to the future generation? Will there be a man ,man enough to want to do right by her? Will there be a girl still nice enough to help him be the man he's supposed to be? The shift in the dating world is so major that we don't know what to expect ten years from now .

Unfortunately the world is not so innocent anymore to accommodate the word "nice". Just because you want something serious , doesn't mean the other person is entitled to feel the same way. The world today is bringing up men who are proud of the fact that they can get any girl they want and anytime and anyhow .They have clearly mastered the art of manipulation in ways we can't even begin to comprehend. 

Go into any relationship with suspicion. Do not give them anyone benefit of doubt . Look for the red flags.  It's better if you keep looking and see the red flags than believe that he is innocent and miss the red flags . 


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